In Conversation With Sindhuja Kashyap, Partner, King Stubb & Kasiva, Advocates & Attorneys

In this conversation with BW Legal World, Sindhuja Kashyap talks about the integration of AI into the legal profession, her secret sauce of success and much more

Please throw light on what drove you towards the legal profession?

Hailing from Darbhanga, Bihar, my career options initially adhered to the familiar trio: doctor, engineer, or cracking the UPSC. However, my family encouraged me to explore beyond these well-trodden paths—to seek what truly ignited my passion.

Interestingly, law was not my initial calling. As a first-generation lawyer, I didn't inherit legal narratives or courtroom dramas. Instead, I was drawn to the art of analysing situations from multiple perspectives. Reasoning became my compass, and occasionally outwitting the fine print felt like a thrilling puzzle

When choosing a career, I found that my inclinations aligned seamlessly with the legal arena. Law wasn't just about statutes and Latin maxims (though ‘res ipsa loquitur’ still sounds like a Hogwarts spell). So, I embarked on this path—a journey where eloquence isn't confined to courtrooms but resonates in meticulously crafted contracts, persuasive memos, and strategic counsel.

Tell us about your roles and responsibilities as Principal Associate at King Stubb & Kasiva.

Gratefully, I share that I have recently ascended to the role of Partner. My day commences with a strategic scan of emails, sketching the contours of what lies ahead. As a legal GPS, I guide clients through the corporate jungle and avoiding regulatory quicksand.

My phone calls oscillate between clients and counterparties, negotiating deals and ensuring seamless transactions. Yet, my role transcends client interactions—I’m equally devoted to my team, my teammates. Here’s to juggling myriad hats, mastering the art of ‘partnerly nods,’ and ensuring the coffee machine never runs dry.

What do you think about the advent of Artificial Intelligence in the legal profession?

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the legal profession represents a transformative shift that has the potential to revolutionise how legal services are delivered and consumed. AI-powered tools and technologies have already begun to streamline various aspects of legal practice, ranging from contract review and due diligence to predictive analytics and research assistance. By harnessing the power of machine learning and natural language processing, AI enables lawyers to enhance efficiency, mitigate risks, and deliver more accurate and cost-effective solutions to clients. However, while AI offers tremendous opportunities for innovation and optimisation, it is essential to approach its integration thoughtfully and ethically. As legal professionals, we must embrace AI as a complement to human expertise rather than a replacement, leveraging its capabilities to augment our decision-making processes and enhance client service.

Ultimately, the successful integration of AI into the legal profession lies in fostering a symbiotic relationship between human judgment and technological innovation, thereby unlocking new possibilities for legal excellence.

What is your success mantra and what advice would you give to others wanting to pursue a similar career path?

The secret sauce of success? It’s simple: keep learning, keep growing, and never forget to celebrate wins, big or small. In this fast-paced legal circus, adaptability is key—like a legal chameleon, blending seamlessly into any environment and emerging victorious.

To aspiring legal eagles: it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey. Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and never lose sight of why you fell in love with the law in the first place.

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