In Conversation With Aarushi Kumar, Deputy Vice President - Legal, HDFC Bank

In this conversation with BW Legal World, Aarushi Kumar, Deputy Vice President - Legal, HDFC Bank, speaks about her role at the organisation, generative AI and use of technology to enhance governance and compliance frameworks

Aarushi, would you please walk us through your early years of education and the decision to become a lawyer?

Coming from a family steeped in the fields of law and finance, with both chartered accountants and lawyers in the lineage, the idea of pursuing a career in law seemed almost predestined. My grandfathers, Late Shri. Mohanlal, a practicing sales tax lawyer, and Mr. R.N Bansal chairman of the company law board particularly inspired me with their illustrious careers. Walking in their footsteps became my aspiration from an early age. I found myself naturally drawn to resolving conflicts among friends and family, often playing the role of the mediator listing down the pros and cons to help them get to an amicable conclusion.

My educational journey started at Sacred Heart Convent School, Ludhiana where I concentrated on Business Studies and Accountancy. It is my time at the ILS, Law College Pune where I truly immersed myself in the study and practice of law, honing my skills and passion for the legal profession.

This upbringing, surrounded by legal minds and fueled by a desire to follow in my grandfather's footsteps, laid the groundwork for my decision to embark on the path of becoming a lawyer.

Tell us about your roles and responsibilities at work, what does a day in your shoes look like?

As a leader overseeing a team of talented lawyers, my primary role extends beyond just managing tasks; it involves shaping the future leaders within the organisation. My domain encompasses the intricate legal landscape of the banking sector, where I navigate a diverse portfolio.

A typical day in my shoes begins with daily meetings, where we align our objectives and strategies to ensure that our efforts are cohesive and directed toward our collective goals. From there, a significant portion of my time is dedicated to solving complex legal challenges associated with banking products such as depository services, custody, structured trade finance, and lending.

I cultivate relationships within and outside the organisation, collaborating closely with lawyers, bankers, and other stakeholders to provide strategic legal guidance and insights. Simultaneously, I work alongside my team to craft innovative solutions for the diverse array of legal challenges we encounter.

Overall, my days are exciting and multifaceted, requiring a blend of leadership, strategic thinking, and hands-on problem-solving to navigate the intricate legal landscape at HDFC Bank.

One career highlight/milestone or learning you would like to share with our readers?

One career highlight that I would like to share with readers is that I was instrumental in setting up a sandbox framework for Unified Dispute Resolution (UDR) in Gift City. This endeavor not only required strategic planning and collaboration but also paved the way for fostering innovation and efficiency by helping create a regulatory and legal framework for HDFC Bank in Gift City.

This experience has been personally fulfilling and reinforced my commitment to pushing boundaries and driving positive change within the legal landscape.

How do you see governance and compliance frameworks changing with the emergence of legal tech and generative AI?

With the emergence of legal tech and generative AI, governance and compliance frameworks are undergoing a transformative shift, marked by several key developments.

Firstly, these advancements offer an unprecedented level of ease of compatibility, streamlining the integration of new technologies into existing governance structures. This enhances efficiency by automating routine tasks, freeing up human capacity to focus on more strategic endeavors beyond daily administrative burdens.

Moreover, legal tech and generative AI have the potential to simplify legal language, making it more accessible to the common person. By structuring prompts, these technologies can also mitigate risks such as hallucination, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of legal processes.

However, it's crucial to recognise the balance between technological innovation and human influence. While leveraging these tools can enhance governance and compliance frameworks, overreliance on technology without human oversight could prove detrimental. In the banking sector, in particular, maintaining a balance is essential to uphold trust and ensure the well-being of both institutions and clients.

In summary, embracing legal tech and generative AI presents an opportunity to revolutionize governance and compliance frameworks, but it's imperative to proceed with caution, preserving the essential human element in decision-making processes.

What is your success mantra and what advice would you give to others wanting to tread a similar path?

My approach to success is straightforward:

  • Glean insights from seasoned leaders, dedicate yourself to hard work, and make decisions with confidence.

  • Learn something new everyday;

  • Uphold respect for your team, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, facing them with courage and determination.

  • Moreover, maintain a keen awareness of the ever-evolving landscape of law, banking, and technology to remain ahead of the curve.

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