[COVID 19] Supreme Court to Hear SKM Foundation’s Plea Seeking Removal of Road Blockage on Thursday

SKM Foundation files Interim application to clear road blockage on highways connecting Delhi with adjoining regions

A PIL has been filed in the Supreme Court to clear public road blockages on account of farm protests in view of the alarming rise in COVID cases in Delhi. The plea specifically mentions the names of the following public roads as per information received from Delhi Traffic Police.

  • Ghazipur Border

  • Singhu Border

  • Mungeshpur Border

  • Harewali Border 

  • Tikri Border

Considering the havoc caused by the second wave of coronavirus, the farm protests are seen as a super spreader of the deadly infection. In light of the worrying situation and the potential health risk involved, a Delhi-based NGO- SKM Foundation has filed an interim application through its Trustee, Sudhir Mishra for clearing the roadblocks and ensuring that the connecting highways in the NCR region remain clear for free movement. Mr Mishra is a noted environmental lawyer and his Trust- SKM Foundation is working on pertinent issues concerning the welfare of people and society including environment, health and education in the country.

The application, if allowed, would benefit the COVID-19 patients of Delhi-NCR as well as the general population at large by ensuring that the movement of all patients and the general public is unhindered and smooth in case of any medical emergency which may arise under dire circumstances during the ongoing unprecedented times of the pandemic situation.

Roadblocks cause immense distress to COVID 19 patients and their relatives for whom time is of essence

At a time when GNCT of Delhi is under immense distress due to shortage of essential supplies as basic as oxygen for the patients suffering from COVID-19, these borders and road blocks are aggravating the distress and causing immense trouble to various affected patients and/ or their relatives/ attendants.

The application points out that a substantial population residing in the NCR region have families in the neighbouring states and in view of the tragic impact of the pandemic are anxious to reach out to their families and loved ones with whatever medical aid and support that they can muster.   

The substantial increase in travel time not only causes a threat to the life of the suffering covid patients but also has a deteriorating impact on their health. To give you some perspective, when borders are closed, a 70 KM trip from Delhi To Rohtak takes 1 hour 40 minutes to cover the 60 KM distance. However, at a time where every minute is critical for a COVID patient, the same distance takes around 3 hours to cover. There have been reported instances where time lost on account of travel has proven to be fatal resulting in loss of lives.

That's not all, affected people/ patients in dire need of oxygen supplies or other medical facilities are constrained to travel through alternative routes on under constructed roads and clustered villages in the vicinity of the national highways. Severely ill patients need medical oxygen support as they fail to utilize environmental oxygen in their respiration. The detour in travelling from one point to the other takes a massive toll on the health of oxygen-starved patients. And if the affected person suffers from any pre-existing illness, delay in receiving timely treatment can further accentuate the problem.

Roadblocks causing logistical issues and delay in essential supplies to suffering COVID patients

The application stresses on the logistical problems caused by the blocked highways between Delhi and neighbouring states. In the current situation when authorities, individuals and various organizations are relentlessly working for augmenting and distributing essential supplies and other medical resources, the road blockages on Delhi borders are adding to the delay. 

There have been reports in the media that road blockages on the Delhi highways are causing delays in oxygen supply to Delhi hospitals. As per a report, an oxygen tanker was late by 2 hours in supplying liquid medical oxygen to a Paschim Vihar hospital as it had to travel an additional 100 KM on account of a road blockage on the highway. Media reports are filled with several such instances. There have been multiple instances where patients have died because of not receiving oxygen supply on time. In such a scenario, delays on account of roadblocks can't be afforded.

Potential pressure on Delhi’s healthcare system

The NGO has also highlighted the potential problems the Delhi administration could face if the protestors get infected with COVID considering Delhi’s proximity from the concerned borders. In the current times, when Delhi hospitals are overwhelmed with the immense inflow of COVID infected people, an outburst of coronavirus among the farm protestors would add to the problems for Delhi’s health care system.

The matter is listed for hearing on Thursday.

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