In Conversation With Anushita S P Karunakaram, Co-Founder & CEO, Lawyer Desk

In this interview with BW Legal World, Anushita SP Karunakaram talks about her start-up LawyerDesk, which aims to address issues that exist in the legal ecosystem

Can you tell us about your early career and what inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

After earning my engineering degree in IT, I started my career in the tech industry. I later advanced through various roles in different organizations, gaining diverse experience along the way. In 2021, I decided to use my technical skills and experience to start my entrepreneurial journey. Since then, I have co-founded companies in various fields such as IT, legal, spirituality, education and few other sectors. My focus has always been on creating innovative products that solve real-world problems.

The decision to become an entrepreneur was driven by several key factors. I had a strong desire to solve real-world problems, a passion for innovation, and a wish to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. These motivations inspired me to start my own ventures.

What are some of the most significant challenges you've faced while integrating technology into traditional industries, and how did you overcome them?

Integrating technology into traditional industries comes with several challenges that affect everyone. First, people often resist change because they are comfortable with the way things have always been done. Ensuring that personal data remains private and secure is also a big concern, especially with more information being stored digitally. Combining new technology with old systems can be tricky and expensive, which can lead to service disruptions. The high cost of new technology and the need for users to learn new skills add to the difficulty. Managing these changes smoothly and keeping the quality of services high during the transition is crucial. Lastly, shifting to a more technology-friendly mindset in places that have always done things the old way is a significant challenge.

What inspired you to start Lawyer Desk, and what gap in the market does it aim to fill?

Experiencing the legal system firsthand, I saw how complex and inefficient it can be. Lawyers face cumbersome processes, students struggle to find reliable information, the public often doesn't understand their rights, and companies deal with regulatory and legal documentation challenges. It was clear that legal services needed to be simpler and more accessible.
Seeing how AI and technology transformed other industries, I realised the legal field could benefit greatly from similar advancements. The idea of using AI to improve legal services, enhance efficiency, and make information easily accessible to everyone was very inspiring.

Talking with lawyers, educators, and industry experts gave me valuable insights into their specific challenges. Their feedback was crucial in shaping the vision for LawyerDesk. By understanding their needs, I aimed to create solutions that truly addressed the issues in the legal ecosystem.

LawyerDesk aims to address several significant gaps in the market for various stakeholders in India, including lawyers, students, the public, and companies.

For Lawyers
Lawyers in India often face the challenge of managing time-consuming administrative tasks, which can take away from their ability to focus on their clients and cases. The traditional processes are often cumbersome and inefficient. LawyerDesk addresses this gap by providing tools that automate and streamline administrative tasks, such as Case Research & Analysis, Legal Procedures, Drafting Legal Documents and preparation for Arguments & Cross Examinations through our “ADVOCASE App”.

Additionally, lawyers need quick and reliable access to legal precedents and resources. LawyerDesk offers a comprehensive legal database and AI-powered research tools that make accessing necessary information faster and more efficient, ultimately enhancing their productivity and effectiveness.

For Students

Law students frequently encounter difficulties in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Traditional educational resources often fall short in providing the hands-on experience and practical insights needed to excel in the legal profession. LawyerDesk aims to fill this gap by offering interactive learning tools, practical case studies, case research, legal procedures, drafting skills and Court procedure simulations through our “LAWBOOK App”. These resources are designed to help students gain a deeper understanding of the law and prepare them for real-world legal challenges, thereby enhancing their overall learning experience and career readiness.

For the Public

The general public in India often struggles with understanding their legal rights and navigating the legal system. Legal information is typically complex and not easily accessible, which can lead to a lack of awareness and empowerment. LawyerDesk addresses this gap by providing clear, concise, and accessible legal information to the public through our “PRAJALOK App”. By democratizing access to legal knowledge, LawyerDesk empowers individuals to understand their rights and take informed actions in legal matters, whether it’s about property disputes, consumer rights, or any other legal issues they might face.

For Companies

Companies in India, particularly those dealing with regulatory compliance and other legal documentation matters, often face significant challenges. The regulatory landscape can be complex and constantly changing, making it difficult for businesses to stay compliant. LawyerDesk provides companies with tools and resources to navigate these regulatory challenges more effectively through our “CASEWORK App”. By offering automated compliance checks, up-to-date legal information, contract automation, dispute resolution and risk management, LawyerDesk helps companies manage their legal obligations more efficiently, reducing the risk of litigations and other non-compliance matters.

Lawyer Desk aims to democratize access to legal assistance. Can you elaborate on the core mission and vision that drive this initiative?

LawyerDesk aims to make legal assistance accessible to everyone, not just those who can afford expensive services. The mission of LawyerDesk is to democratize legal help by providing simple, effective, and affordable solutions for all using AI. This involves creating tools and resources that can be easily used by lawyers, students, the general public, and companies, regardless of their background or expertise.

The vision behind this initiative is to transform the legal landscape so that everyone can understand and exercise their legal rights. LawyerDesk seeks to eliminate barriers that prevent people from getting the legal help they need.

How does Lawyer Desk make legal processes more approachable and understandable for individuals with little to no legal knowledge?

LawyerDesk makes legal processes more approachable and understandable for people with little to no legal knowledge by providing clear, straightforward resources and tools. It simplifies complex legal jargon and procedures, making them easier to grasp for the average person.

One of the key ways LawyerDesk achieves this is by offering user-friendly screen flows that break down legal information into plain and simple English. Additionally, it provides various help guides to assist users in navigating the modules.

By providing these simplified, accessible resources and tools, LawyerDesk ensures that everyone, regardless of their legal knowledge, can navigate the legal system with confidence and ease.

Can you share some success stories or key milestones that Lawyer Desk has achieved under your leadership?

Under my leadership, LawyerDesk has achieved significant milestones and numerous success stories. Shortly after our beta launch, we received several hundred downloads without any direct or online promotions, indicating a strong market demand. We formed key partnerships with legal experts and educators, integrating practical insights into our products to enhance their effectiveness. Positive feedback from early users played a crucial role in refining our app, helping us make it even more user-friendly and efficient. Additionally, we have received accolades for our innovative approach to legal technology, by our users.

Success Story: A civil law attorney specialising in property disputes, greatly helped in her practice using the Advocase app. Before using Advocase, she spent countless hours on administrative tasks like doing case research and drafting the case documents. With Advocase, she was able get the case research with relevant judgements and also it helped her to write legal drafts in fraction of minutes strengthening her arguments in complex property disputes.

Success Story: A criminal law attorney, often found himself overwhelmed with the amount of legal research required for his cases. Searching for relevant case laws and legal precedents was time-consuming and sometimes unproductive. After integrating Advocase into his practice, he could leverage the app's AI-powered research tools.

The app quickly provided him with pertinent case laws, legal procedures and precedents, tailored to the specifics of his cases. This allowed him to prepare more thoroughly and efficiently for his court appearances. He found that he could present stronger arguments and improve his chances of success in court. 
These achievements demonstrate our commitment to making legal processes more accessible and understandable for everyone.

As a leader in a pioneering legal tech startup, how do you foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within your team?

As a leader in a pioneering legal tech startup, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within my team is essential. I encourage open communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback. We regularly hold brainstorming sessions to explore new concepts and solutions. I prioritise continuous learning by providing access to training and development opportunities, ensuring everyone stays updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.

I, also empower my team by giving them autonomy in their projects, which promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility. Recognizing and rewarding innovative ideas and achievements helps motivate the team to keep pushing boundaries. By maintaining a collaborative and supportive environment, I ensure that everyone is motivated to contribute to our shared goal of creating cutting-edge legal tech solutions.

With your extensive background in IT, how do you see the role of technology evolving in the legal sector?

I see AI technology greatly transforming the legal sector. AI can make legal processes faster and more efficient by automating routine tasks such as document review, legal research, and contract analysis. This allows lawyers to focus on more complex and strategic work.

AI can also improve access to legal information for everyone. For example, AI-powered chatbots can provide quick answers to common legal questions, helping people understand their rights and options without needing to consult a lawyer immediately.

Additionally, AI can help predict legal outcomes by analysing past case data, giving lawyers better insights and helping them build stronger cases. This technology can also assist in managing large volumes of data, making it easier to organize and retrieve important information. It will make legal services more efficient, accessible, and affordable, benefiting both legal professionals and the general public.

What are some of the key lessons you've learned from your entrepreneurial journey?

Throughout my journey, I have learned several important lessons. Facing challenges and setbacks requires persistence. Adaptability is vital as markets and technologies change, so being flexible is important. Building a strong team of talented, motivated individuals who share your vision is essential. Focusing on customers by understanding and meeting their needs builds trust and loyalty. Effective financial management, such as keeping a close eye on cash flow and budgeting wisely, ensures stability. Lastly, continuous learning and innovation are critical for staying competitive and driving the business forward. These lessons have shaped my approach to entrepreneurship and leadership

What legacy do you hope to leave with Lawyer Desk, both within the legal industry and in the realm of technology-driven social innovation?

With LawyerDesk, I hope to leave a legacy of making legal services accessible and easy to understand for everyone. Within the legal industry, I want LawyerDesk to be known for simplifying complex legal processes and helping both professionals and the general public navigate the law with confidence.

In the realm of technology-driven social innovation, I want LawyerDesk to be seen as a pioneer in using technology to solve real-world problems. I hope our work inspires other startups to explore how technology can make essential services more accessible and fair. By showing that tech can improve lives and create positive change, I want LawyerDesk to set a standard for innovation with a social impact. My goal is for LawyerDesk to be remembered as a company that made a real difference in people's lives and transformed the legal landscape for the better.


Krishnendra Joshi

BW Reporters Krishnendra has 6 years of experience in Content and Copywriting. He realised the value of persuasive writing while working with LawSikho. Writing a few marketing emails taught him that right wordings create the right impact. Reading The Boron Letters by advertising legend Gary Halbert inspired him to keep learning about the craft of writing. He does not restrict himself to legal content writing alone. He has written content for clients in the SaaS Industry and Personal development Industry. He believes in writing for multi niches to enhance his creativity and train his writing muscle.

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