In Conversation With Shilpa Nautiyal, Vice President - Legal, HDFC Bank

In her role as an in-house counsel, Shilpa's days are dynamic and multifaceted. She oversees a diverse range of legal matters spanning investment banking, digital banking, international branches, and HR and Admin verticals. To be in her shoes means donning multiple hats at the same time.

Shilpa, would you please walk us through your early years of education and the decision to become a lawyer?

I was born and brought up in Dehradun, Uttarakhand- a city known for its natural beauty and educational institutions. My schooling at CJM Dehradun provided me with a strong foundation in academics and personal growth, shaping me into a curious and dedicated learner. During my school days, I excelled in debates and public speaking, often being encouraged by my parents, peers, and teachers to pursue a career in law or politics – this is how the seed of becoming a lawyer was first planted in me, despite having no direct background in law. My proficiency in articulating arguments, understanding complex issues, problem solving attitude and ability to negotiate and convince others with ease made law a natural fit for me. I was convinced that law would be the ideal profession for me, and this passion led me to pursue a law degree from ILS Law College, Pune.

Tell us about your roles and responsibilities at work, what does a day in your shoes look like?

I am immensely grateful for the enriching journey of ~8 years with HDFC Bank. Being a part of HDFC family has not only been professionally rewarding but also personally fulfilling. The Bank’s commitment to excellence, innovation and employee development has not only empowered me to grow in my career but has also fostered a sense of belonging and pride. I am humbled to be a small cog in the wheel, working alongside dedicated professionals who share a common vision of excellence and innovation. In my role as an in-house counsel, reporting to the Group General Counsel, my days are dynamic and multifaceted. I oversee a diverse range of legal matters spanning investment banking, digital banking, international branches, and HR and Admin verticals. I strive to align legal strategies with the bank's business objectives, fostering a culture of legal excellence and compliance. I work towards bridging the gap between business requirement and legal complexities. To be in my shoes means donning multiple hats at the same time- I am a mentor, a business facilitator, a decision maker, a problem solver, a strategist, a prudent risk- taker and at times just a devil’s advocate or a silent listener. There is not a single dull day at my job.! Touchwood for that!!

One career milestone or learning you would like to share with our readers?

One of the significant career milestones for me has been establishing the investment banking legal team at HDFC Bank which primarily provides legal assistance to the Project Finance, Corporate Finance, Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets and Loan Syndication teams of the bank. I joined HDFC Bank in 2016- starting as the sole member catering to the legal needs of investment banking business team, I have witnessed the team's growth and success over the years. I spearheaded the creation of Investment Banking Legal Team- meticulously selecting and nurturing a cohesive group of legal professionals. The team’s expertise has been instrumental in driving business unit’s growth and success, positioning us as a trusted partner. This achievement stands as a testament to my leadership, strategic vision, and ability to build and nurture high-performing legal teams. Seeing the team flourish and deliver exceptional legal support to the bank's investment banking operations has been immensely rewarding and a defining moment in my professional journey.

What is your success mantra and what advice would you give to others wanting to tread a similar path?


My success mantra is my relentless pursuit and conscious effort to be a better version of myself- both personally and professionally. I celebrate small wins and try not to be too hard on myself. I am deeply content and fulfilled in my present role, yet I remain eager and driven to push beyond my limits and explore new opportunities to learn and grow. I am a work in progress. For aspiring legal professionals, I would advise to stay focussed, set clear goals, take consistent action, practice self-care, build strong networks, seek mentorship from seasoned professionals and always uphold the highest ethical standards.


Krishnendra Joshi

BW Reporters Krishnendra has 6 years of experience in Content and Copywriting. He realised the value of persuasive writing while working with LawSikho. Writing a few marketing emails taught him that right wordings create the right impact. Reading The Boron Letters by advertising legend Gary Halbert inspired him to keep learning about the craft of writing. He does not restrict himself to legal content writing alone. He has written content for clients in the SaaS Industry and Personal development Industry. He believes in writing for multi niches to enhance his creativity and train his writing muscle.

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