In Conversation with Rajiv Chandan, Chief General Counsel & Company Secretary, Tata Chemicals

Rajiv, would you please walk us through your early years of education and the decision of becoming a lawyer.

My educational journey began in a school at my home town in Karnataka extending until the 7th standard, before circumstances led me to Mumbai at the age of 13. There, I completed my undergraduate studies, earning a B.Com degree from Mumbai University. Subsequently, I embarked on a corporate career in the Accounts & Finance division of a luggage manufacturing company. Concurrently, driven by a thirst for knowledge and professional advancement, I pursued post-graduation in Commerce, attending evening classes to attain an M.Com degree from Mumbai University.

Despite my dedication to my corporate role, I gradually realised that my aspirations outpaced the trajectory of my current path. Observing the qualifications and responsibilities of department heads within the company, coupled with advice from trusted peers, I made the pivotal decision to further my studies in governance and legal domains.

Enrolling at Government Law College, Mumbai, and concurrently pursuing Company Secretaryship studies with ICSI, I transitioned to a new role in the governance function of a different company, aligning my professional pursuits with my academic endeavours. This allowed for synergistic learning experiences as I balanced work responsibilities with ongoing studies.

Upon completion of both law and Company Secretaryship courses, I seized the opportunity to assume the role of Company Secretary at a listed company. Within six months, I assumed responsibility for the legal function as well, marking the beginning of my journey in the realm of legal and governance professions. This path has since served as the foundation for my continued growth and contributions within the field.

Tell us about your team size and what does a day in your shoes look like?

I lead a dynamic team of 23 exceptionally talented individuals, comprising 15 lawyers—12 based in India, and 3 spanning the UK, USA, and Kenya—alongside 5 Company Secretaries and 3 Management Trainees. With a balanced mix of youth and experience, our team thrives on diversity and innovation, with 9 women contributing significantly to our collective success.

In my capacity as Global General Counsel, I oversee the legal, regulatory, and governance functions of Tata Chemicals Ltd and its subsidiaries across India, the US, the UK, and Africa. My day typically commences with addressing issues in India, followed by those in Kenya, the UK, and culminating with matters in the US, reflecting the geographical diversity of our operations.

This role demands strategic leadership and a comprehensive understanding of global legal landscapes, ensuring seamless coordination and alignment across diverse jurisdictions. Collaborating closely with my team, we navigate complex legal challenges, uphold regulatory compliance, and drive governance excellence, underpinning Tata Chemicals' global footprint with integrity and resilience.

What are the governance and compliance challenges unique to your sector?

Our Company operates in the inorganic chemicals and agrochemicals sectors. We are subject to complex regulations and environmental concerns that present unique governance challenges. Compliance with stringent safety and environmental standards is crucial due to potential environmental and health risks. This requires robust compliance programs and continuous monitoring.

Global supply chains add further complexity, demanding tailored compliance strategies for each market. Sustainability is increasingly important, requiring a delicate balance between innovation and environmental responsibility, such as reducing carbon emissions and minimising waste.

In summary, proactive compliance, innovation, and transparency are essential for navigating governance challenges effectively while upholding ethical standards and environmental stewardship.

How do you foresee corporate legal departments in the next 5 years? Is reliance on external law firms on the decline?

In the next five years, corporate legal departments are expected to undergo significant evolution driven by technological advancements, regulatory shifts, and changing organisational needs. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness will be paramount, leading to increased adoption of innovative technologies like artificial intelligence and automation. These tools will streamline routine tasks, allowing legal teams to focus on strategic initiatives while optimising resource allocation.

While internalisation of certain legal functions may occur to address specialised needs and regulatory complexities, reliance on external law firms will remain essential, particularly on M&A activities, litigations and specific specialised guidance. Moreover, the emergence of alternative legal service providers and legal tech startups will introduce new avenues for flexible, cost-effective solutions, augmenting the capabilities of both in-house teams and external partners.

In summary, the future landscape of corporate legal departments will be characterised by a blend of internalisation, technological innovation, and strategic collaboration with external entities, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in navigating the evolving legal landscape.

You have a combined role of General Counsel & Company Secretary and you also have oversight on legal and governance functions of Indian and overseas subsidiaries. Is it more onerous as both these roles have grown independently extensively or do you think these roles complement each other ?

As someone who holds the combined role of General Counsel and Company Secretary with oversight on the legal and governance functions of subsidiaries, I believe that while these roles have grown independently and become more extensive, they also complement each other in many ways.

On one hand, managing the responsibilities of both General Counsel and Company Secretary can be demanding, given the breadth of legal, regulatory, and governance issues that need to be addressed. From providing legal advice and managing litigation to ensuring regulatory compliance and overseeing board-related matters, the scope of work can indeed be onerous.

However, these roles also naturally complement each other, as they both involve navigating the legal and regulatory landscape to ensure the organisation operates ethically, legally, and effectively. For example, the legal expertise of a General Counsel can inform and enhance the governance practices overseen by the Company Secretary. Likewise, the governance focus of the Company Secretary can help ensure that legal decisions align with the organisation's strategic objectives and compliance obligations.

Furthermore, having oversight on the legal and governance functions of subsidiaries provides an opportunity for synergies and efficiencies. By aligning legal and governance strategies across the organisation, we can streamline processes, share best practices, and mitigate risks more effectively.

In summary, while the combined role of General Counsel and Company Secretary with oversight on legal and governance functions of subsidiaries may be demanding, the complementary nature of these roles allows for greater alignment, collaboration, and effectiveness in navigating the complexities of modern business environments.

What are the hobbies you pursue when you have some time on weekends after your hectic work schedule of the week ?

During my weekends, when I have some time to unwind after a hectic work schedule, I indulge in a few hobbies that bring me joy and relaxation. As a Bollywood movie buff, I thoroughly enjoy spending quality time with my family watching movies, whether it's in theaters or on OTT platforms. I have a particular fondness for films featuring legendary actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan, although I appreciate and enjoy a wide variety of movies regardless of the actors involved.

Additionally, I am a passionate cricket fan and eagerly follow various cricket matches during my leisure time. Whether it's cheering for my favorite teams or analyzing the game, cricket provides me with a thrilling and immersive experience that I truly relish. Overall, immersing myself in the world of cinema and sports allows me to unwind, recharge, and bond with my loved ones during precious moments of leisure.

From the treasure trove of your experiences, what are the must-have traits to become a successful General Counsel?

Success as a General Counsel hinges on a combination of essential traits. Deep subject knowledge, coupled with business acumen and regulatory expertise, forms the foundation for navigating complex legal landscapes effectively. Diligence, strategic thinking, and problem-solving prowess enable General Counsels to anticipate risks, find innovative solutions, and contribute to long-term organisational success. Effective communication skills, alongside strong leadership and team management abilities, foster collaboration and alignment across departments. Adaptability, resilience, and ethical integrity are paramount in the face of evolving legal landscapes and ethical dilemmas. Negotiation skills, a global mindset, and a commitment to continuous learning further enhance the effectiveness of General Counsels in driving positive outcomes for their organisation.

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