In Conversation With Dr. Abhishek Sinha Dean & Professor, School of Law, UPES

Growing up in a small town (Ranchi) and attending DAV Shyamli for my schooling (yes, the same school as Dhoni), Abhishek's early years of education were filled with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Despite his background as a science student, he found myself drawn towards the intricacies of law, although it wasn't his initial career choice. After completing his schooling, he pursued his LLB from ILS, Pune, where he delved deeper into the world of law and discovered a passion for corporate law. This passion led him to further academic pursuits in corporate law, including obtaining an LLM from Jindal Global Law School and eventually a PhD on Efficacy of Stewardship Code from UPES. Upon entering the legal profession, he found myself captivated by the dynamic world of corporate law across all jurisdictions. in this interview with Krishnendra Joshi, Editorial Lead, BW Legal World, Abhishek talks about his life as a academician and much more.

1. Would you please walk us through your early years of education and decision to become a lawyer and then getting into academia?


Growing up in a small town (Ranchi) and attending DAV Shyamli for my schooling (yes, the same school as Dhoni), my early years of education were filled with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Despite my background as a science student, I found myself drawn towards the intricacies of law, although it wasn't my initial career choice. 


After completing my schooling, I pursued my LLB from ILS, Pune, where I delved deeper into the world of law and discovered a passion for corporate law. This passion led me to further academic pursuits in corporate law, including obtaining an LLM from Jindal Global Law School and eventually a PhD on Efficacy of Stewardship Code from UPES.


Upon entering the legal profession, I found myself captivated by the dynamic world of corporate law across all jurisdictions. This led me to also become a solicitor of England and Wales in my early years in the profession. Through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, I rose to become a partner very quickly at some of India's top-tier magic circle law firms (Khaitan & SAM). My journey in corporate law was challenging yet immensely rewarding, as I had the privilege of working on several front-page corporate transactions and collaborating with talented professionals across the world.


However, my journey took an unexpected turn when I realised my passion for academia and a desire to contribute to legal education by bridging the gap between academia and industry. This led me to transition from corporate law practice to academia, where I now serve as a Dean and Professor at UPES School of Law; and Head of the Department of Internationality at UPES. In these roles, I have the opportunity to: mentor the next generation of legal professionals, sharing my knowledge and experiences to shape their futures; bring innovation to the legal education space; create a global pathway for students at UPES. 


Looking back, my journey from early education to becoming a lawyer and heading a law school; has been filled with twists, turns, and moments of self-discovery. I am excited to continue making a difference in the legal profession and education.


What does a day in your shoes look like?


As a Dean & Professor and Head of the Internationality Department, my days are dynamic and multifaceted. Each day brings new opportunities to inspire and educate the next generation of legal professionals; bring innovation in the legal education space and create global pathways for students by collaborating with top universities around the globe. 


Typically, my morning starts at 6am with a cup of freshly crewed coffee. Throughout the day, I am engaged in various academic strategy meetings, administrative tasks, teaching classes, conducting research, mentoring students and collaborating with foreign universities. I strive to foster: a supportive learning environment, mostly through the construct of participatory learning, that encourages critical thinking and professional development; and a global platform for our students.  


In the evenings, I dedicate time to my scholarly pursuits, delving into legal research projects, writing articles and books. This allows me to stay abreast of emerging legal trends and contribute to the advancement of legal scholarship.


Overall, each day presents a blend of academic, administrative, and scholarly responsibilities, all aimed at nurturing the next generation of legal minds and advancing the field of law. 


As I am an adventure enthusiast, mostly on Sundays I take out time for my bike rides.


What inspired you to get into academia! and how has it been instrumental in bridging the gap between academia and industry?


My transition into academia was inspired by a desire to combine my passion for legal education with a commitment to bridge the gap between academia and industry. I recognised academia as a platform to not only impart knowledge but also to cultivate critical thinking skills, nurture creativity, create industry ready professionals and inspire future leaders in the legal profession. As a lawyer turned academician, I am committed to fostering strong linkages between academia and industry, to provide students with hands-on exposure to the legal profession. 


What is your success mantra and what advice would you give to others wanting to tread a similar path?


My success mantra revolves around the principles of passion, perseverance, and continuous learning. I strongly believe that: “once a learner, always a learner”, and that passion fuels excellence, perseverance overcomes challenges, and a commitment to lifelong learning fosters personal and professional growth.


For those aspiring to tread a similar path, I offer the following advice: follow your passion, embrace challenges, never stop learning, build a strong network, and maintain integrity and ethics. Finally, there’s no substitute to hard work. 


Krishnendra Joshi

BW Reporters Krishnendra has 6 years of experience in Content and Copywriting. He realised the value of persuasive writing while working with LawSikho. Writing a few marketing emails taught him that right wordings create the right impact. Reading The Boron Letters by advertising legend Gary Halbert inspired him to keep learning about the craft of writing. He does not restrict himself to legal content writing alone. He has written content for clients in the SaaS Industry and Personal development Industry. He believes in writing for multi niches to enhance his creativity and train his writing muscle.

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