DLSA recommends Dr Ravi Kalra for the prestigious Padma Shri Awards 2021

The District Legal Service Authority (DLSA) Gurugram has recommended the name of Dr Ravi Kalra for the fourth highest civilian award in India for the year 2021.

Pro-active work with DLSA since the last 5 years

Dr Kalra has been actively working with DLSA through his NGO (The Earth Saviours Foundation) since the last five years. 

He and his NGO prepared and distributed around 1000 cloth bags to promote the 'Say No to Plastic Campaign' organised by DLSA. He has lent his continuous support in DLSA's initiatives towards serving the community and betterment of the nation. He has been associated with Para Legal volunteers of DLSA for providing shelter to abandoned and mentally ill senior citizens.

Dr Kalra runs an internationally recognised NGO

Dr Kalra has been working relentlessly for the lesser privileged and disadvantaged strata of society. His NGO is home to abandoned senior citizens, mentally challenged people and deprived females. His NGO has rescued more than 65 thousand senior citizens & homeless mentally disabled from roads.

He also runs ‘no honking campaign’ to promote traffic discipline and educate drivers over unnecessary honking. His NGO has also extensively undertaken plantation drives at conspicuous places of Gurugram. 

Phenomenal work carried out during COVID crisis

Dr. Kalra’s ‘Foundation[’ has been distributing food, ration, clothes and other essential things during the pandemic. It has served food to countless people, especially to people living on the roads. The NGO has also come forward to distribute sanitizers and masks to the general public during lockdown.

Substantial community-driven work for Bandhwari Village.

Dr Kalra’s work is creating social impact. His NGO has been undertaking relevant activities for community welfare since 2008. It pitched thousands of fully automatic solar halogens- LED fluid lights at Bandhwari making it the village with most solar lights in the district of Gurugram. He has also distributed more than a thousand bicycles putting the village on the path to becoming world's number one bicycle village due to his efforts.

DLSA appreciated the work done by Dr. Kalra for the betterment of the lives of the poor and downtrodden strata of our society in its recommendation letter. This recommendation from DLSA comes after the Haryana Government had notably asked its officers to make worthy nominations for the Padma Shri Awards by August 10.

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