BW Legal World Talks Wellbeing at Law Firms with Khaitan & Co

Amar, Khaitan has released a People Well-Being Framework recently. I think it is a great initiative amidst the burnouts and gloom we are seeing everywhere. Please tell us what some of the key points of the Policy are and what thought went into making such a policy. 

Extraordinary times call for an out-of-the-ordinary response. Hence, we felt that we had to stretch above and beyond the ambit of day-to-day policies to ensure a supportive, caring and above all relevant to the situation, well-being framework for all our people. 

Some of the key initiatives that this policy covers, include - 

  • Special sick leave for members who have been affected by COVID-19 or her / his immediate family has contracted COVID-19. 
  • Introduction of compulsory recuperation leave for fee-earners after the end of a critical milestone / matter / transaction, where they have worked extended hours for a prolonged period of time. 
  • A switch-off period encouraging a weekly switch-off period of 24 hours either on a Saturday or Sunday, to allow uninterrupted personal time.
  • Wellness leaves for any member who is experiencing mental health, burnout, anxiety, chronic stress or similar ailments. 

Is this policy only for the time being or would it continue even after these covid waves settle? 

This policy has specifically been put in place to address the current situation and the difficult times we are all going through. However, we are keen to hold on to a few aspects of this policy, like respect for personal time, and make it a permanent way of working at the firm.  The very nature of work at a tier 1 law firm is extremely demanding but given that, if we can bring in some semblance of balance without compromising on quality of work or speed of response, that is the long-term intention.

How are you ensuring a firm-wide execution of the policy across all offices? Is there a redressal mechanism in place as well for any concerns raised by the lawyers? 

This policy is applicable across all our offices. We have the buy-in of our entire Partnership on this. We also have faith in the maturity and leadership of our Partnership and are certain that they will actively support its implementation. 

Your message to other firms, lawyers, and Human Resources departments.

This is a time when we need to lead with compassion, understanding, and grace. The pandemic is a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions and during this time, as one of my most admired leaders, Mr. JRD Tata said, ‘To lead men, you have to lead them with affection’! 

This is not the time to get mired in bureaucratic processes or rules and regulations but it is the time to lead from the front and with the heart. We will need to step up to the greatest challenge that we probably will ever face in our lifetimes by thinking beyond the usual markers of success.

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