In Conversation with Shubhangi Garg, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co

Shubhangi, would you please tell us where did this illustrious journey begin and at what age did you decide to study law. Please walk us through your early years of education and the decision of becoming a lawyer.

Law was not a conscious choice – It was part chance and part choice. I even had thoughts of switching my career to something more creative or non-profit, halfway through law college, but in hindsight, I am very happy with my decision to continue with my legal career. 

Who have been your guiding North Stars and the biggest inspiration in this journey?

I have always tried to learn best practices (both legal and non-legal) from my peers, seniors and juniors, co-workers, and even from counterparties and co-counsels. I continue to do so on every transaction that I work on. 

Would you please tell us more about the array of work you handle at your firm?

My practice focuses on banking, corporate debt financing and debt capital markets. I also specialise in the FinTech and Digital Payments space.  

Would you please summarily tell us the status of the sectors of the economy your work in, the roadblocks in our path and the way forward?

The onshore debt capital markets have taken a beating as there are severe liquidity constraints in the rupee lending market. However, foreign portfolio investors have been active in the debt investment market. The FinTech sector on the other hand is seeing its own share of ups and downs. While there is definite uptake inactivity on the digital/cashless payment products side, but investment in the FinTech sector is suffering due to regulatory uncertainty and geopolitical complications.     

Would you please share with our readers your views on ‘Using Legal Influence to Spread Legal Awareness’.  

I feel as people with legal education and years of legal training, we lawyers have the extra ordinary advantage of cutting through the clutter of complex legislations and demystifying it for others.   

I want more lawyers to use and share their privilege with those who do not have it. We often tend to lament lack of time to devote to any non profit activity, but I think even a couple of hours a week or in a month can go a long way if one identifies a cause and chalks out a plan to help that cause. With Zoom and virtual meetings being the new normal, I hope to be able to use this medium to reach out to the larger legal community across law firms to set up a network of like-minded lawyers who would be willing to use their education and training to spread awareness about legal rights in the under privileged sections of the society. 

What can law firms do today to ensure they survive in an era of disruption? How is your firm staying futuristic?      

By staying ahead of the curve and adapting with the changing times very swiftly. This mantra is true for all times but never more than amid Covid 19. Lawyers can be very tech averse sometimes, often preferring to work with hard copies and hand mark ups/ files etc. Our firm and my team have managed to shed the burden of hard copies early on in the pandemic and adapted to the new virtual world in tandem with our clients. Physical meetings and hearings have their own advantage, but in their absence, it is important to establish a connect in the virtual world, and I feel our firm has managed to do that pretty successfully.  

Other than work, what else keeps you busy? Would you please share your other interests and hobbies with our readers.

I love reading about art history and visiting art museums, particularly with Italian and Flemish Renaissance artworks. I enjoy solo travel and hiking too. 

Many Congratulations on joining the BW Legal World Elite 40 Under 40 Club of Achievers 2020. What to your mind has helped you get to where you are and what advice would you have for others who want to set off in a similar direction?

I work with a single-minded focus on looking out for a client and ensure that their interests are well guarded on all fronts. Strong work ethic, integrity and grit are key to me as a professional. It is good to know that these traits resonate with clients and peers. 

As a final note, would you please recommend to our readers your favourite book or movie/series that left a lasting impression on you.

The last books that had me laughing out loud were Elenor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman and the Elegance of a Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.  

*The interview was published in December 2020.

Nominations for the second edition of BW Legal World's 40Under40 are now open.

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For more details, please contact Gareema Ahuja, Business Lead: +91 7827590848,  

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