In Conversation with S. Sai Sushanth, CEO, Sushanth IT Law Associates

Sai, would you please tell us where did this illustrious journey begin and at what age did you decide to study law. Please walk us through your early years of education and the decision of becoming a lawyer.

It all started in Grade 3 of my schooling, when I used to sit in the law chamber of my father and playfully imitate him by dictating notes to his stenographer when he was away at the court. This virtually paved way to my entering the legal profession. I started operating the Computer at the age of 7 and went on to enhance my digital skillsets and pursuing my interest in computers and technology.

During the period of 1995-96 Internet was commercially introduced in the country and I was introduced to the Internet due to my passion for the Internet and Technology. It was a very fascinating journey that illuminated my thoughts to get into the area of Technology Law. Pursuing my 5 year integrated LLB course I started to pursue my parallel career in technology law and went on to complete 16 certifications with awards and accolades. On successful completion of Masters in Cyber Law and Cyber Security from National Law School, Jodhpur, I mooted an idea of starting an exclusive Cyber Law Consulting firm in Hyderabad. Given the niche and specialised area of legal practice, clients started approaching me for specialised work.

Who have been your guiding North Stars (mentors) and the biggest inspiration in this journey?

My Mentors (Sri. PAVAN DUGGAL SIR, Sri. SHYAM PADMAN SIR) have been my inspiration and guide. My parents and my family have been my support at all times.

Would you please tell us more about the array of work you handle at your organization?

As a CEO of our law firm (SUSHANTH IT LAW ASSOCIATES), I am always involved in all aspects of our legal practice ranging from reviewing contracts to Cyber Law Compliance Audits. Being into multi-dimensional areas like Cyber Security Legal Aspects, Cyber Crime Investigation, Cyber Law Compliance Audit, my array of work includes advising Clients on the issues of Technology and Law, drafting key technology contracts, contract negotiations, educating and motivating our associates, defining and devising techno legal strategies, Corporate Cyber Crime Investigation (Internal), International Cyber Legal Practice to name a few.

Would you please summarily tell us the current status of the sectors of the economy your work in, the roadblocks in our path and the way forward? 

I believe that remote legal practice, financial crisis, litigation, IT infrastructural issues, non-availability of physical records and files (non-digitized files), in person confidential discussions, and the like are some of the road blocks faced by law firms currently in the present economy. I firmly believe that adoption of technology of legal practice will be the way forward to address these roadblocks. 

Would you please share with our readers your expert views on ‘CYBERLAW AND TRENDS: BEYOND 2020’.  

Today Cyber Law is emerging as fastest growing legal discipline and needs to be looked beyond boundaries, given its applicability all over. Countries are waking up to the concept of Cyber Sovereignty whereby making their Cyber Laws applicable not just to physical boundaries as also to outer space, sea-beds, polar and artic regions. Needless to say that Cyber Security as distinctive law is emerging as one of the key Cyber Law trends beyond 2020. Artificial Intelligence is bringing forth numerous legal policy regulatory aspects with each passing day, month and year. While on the other hand Block Chain has been emerging as a new factum spilling to almost all sectors opening up a Pandora’s box of legal issues. With now privacy being the Fundamental Right I believe that privacy law has to be the primary focus incorporating privacy by design and default.  

While all this is happening on one hand fake news and fake narratives are continuing to be the flavour of the times and coming up with legal parameters to curb fake news and maintaining a balance of freedom of speech and expression will assume more significance. While the present Cyber Laws can be considered as the Law on the eye, I firmly believe that new Cyber Legal principles will evolve as time passes by.  

What in your opinion has been the biggest change or challenge looming over the legal landscape of India amid COVID-19?  

I am of the opinion that COVID-19 has revolutionarised the adoption of technology with almost all sectors going digital. In this kind of a scenario, Cyber Law and Cyber Security will be the constant life companions. Further, once we get victorious over COVID-19, we are likely to witness a New Cyber World Order which will bring in various challenges from a Cyber Legal Perspective that is likely to transform the Cyber Legal Landscape of India. 

What can lawyers do today to ensure they survive in an era of disruption? How is your organization staying futuristic? 

I believe that Lawyers should look at specialising in niche areas of legal practice and it is this specialisation that will keep them going in this era of disruption. As a specialised Cyber Laws Consulting Firm, we have been adopting technology to our legal practice, starting from being a cloud-based consulting firm to AI based legal practice. We always try to keep in sync with technology and its developments. We are currently leveraging technologies like AI, Block chain for our operation aiming to automate and make our firm tech law firm from being a technology law consulting firm. 

Other than work, what else keeps you busy? Would you please share your other interests and hobbies with our readers. 

I am a Keyboard Player and Music Composer. I have a completed and have Certification in Grade I in Piano from Royal School of Music, London. 

Many Congratulations on joining the BW Legal World Elite 40 Under 40 Club of Achievers 2020. What to your mind has helped you get to where you are and what advice would you have for others who want to set off in a similar direction? 

I believe that my passion and hero-worship towards the intersection of Law and Technology has paved way for our current position and I am of the opinion that we cannot isolate legal practice and law without understanding what is happening all around. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our lawyers of the future, any golden piece of advice from the treasure trove of your experiences in the industry? 

 "OUR PASSION SHOULD BE DRIVING FORCE FOR ANY PROFESSION", “We cannot  have a 20th century mind to address and tackle the issues of 21st Century" 

As a final note, would you please recommend to our readers your favourite book or movie/series that left a lasting impression on you. 

SUITS, BOSTON LEGAL are my favourite series and in addition movies namely ADIKURIPPU (MALAYALAM LEGAL THRILLER), BRIBAL TRIOLOGY (KANNADA LEGAL THRILLER), MOUNAM SAMMADHAM ( TAMIL LEGAL THRILLER) , CBI SERIES (MALAYALAM) are some of the movies that left a lasting impression on me. 

*The interview was published in November 2020.

Nominations for the second edition of BW Legal World's 40Under40 are now open.

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For more details, please contact Gareema Ahuja, Business Lead: +91 7827590848,  

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