In Conversation with Nawneet Vibhaw, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.

Nawneet, would you please tell us where did this illustrious journey begin and at what age did you decide to study law. Please walk us through your early years of education and the decision of becoming a lawyer.

Law happened to me completely by chance. It is quite an interesting story. I was a science student (PCM) who was expected to become an engineer by everyone as I was a bright student, consistently a first rank holder, head-boy etc. in school and the obvious expectation was that I study at IIT. However, I hardly studied in Class XI and XII and did not get through IIT JEE. I cleared the entrance exam for National Defence Academy (NDA) instead and after my medical tests, I was asked to undergo a minor tympanoplasty surgery after which I could join NDA, Khadakvasla. However, the surgery was goofed up by a renowned ENT surgeon and I could not join NDA. That was like a disaster for me as due to someone else’s carelessness my dreams were shattered. I thereafter decided to study English Literature for my graduation thinking that I would appear for Civil Services exams thereafter. While I was completing my first year of graduation reading the works of Keats, Yeats, Frost, Tennyson and of course Uncle Bill (Shakespeare), I heard of the national law schools and that got me very interested. By the time I heard of them, the deadlines for submitting applications were already very close and I could only fill forms for the entrance exams of NLSIU B’lore, NALSAR Hyderabad and NLU Jodhpur. I was waitlisted for the B’lore national law school but got through the merit lists for the national law schools in Jodhpur and Hyderabad. Again, how I chose Hyderabad over Jodhpur is in itself a very interesting story which I will share some other time. So, yes, I had never imagined that I would study law and that too in Hyderabad but I was destined for it. Trust me, good or bad, we are all guided by our destiny.

Tell us something about your interest in academia as you have authored three books and also taught at NLU Delhi and Jindal Global Law School?

I think as professionals, it is somewhere our responsibility to share whatever little we know to educate and inspire the youngsters. With my practice area and interest area being environment – the most critical topic of our times, it is only natural that you want to share with students your knowledge and experience. If you manage to inspire even a few of them your job is done. My interest in teaching also stems from the fact that my parents had been professors. I have seen them and realized that teaching is the most selfless and invaluable profession that we have in our society. There is a great need for teachers who are knowledgeable, sincere, academically honest and of course strong on ethics as it is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring generations. Students should be able to look up to their teachers as role models and teachers have to ensure that they live up to this expectation.

I authored three books which have been published by LexisNexis because I wanted to convert whatever I had taught in classrooms into books which are accessible to everyone. I wrote these books in a simple and elementary fashion so that those learning the subject for the first time find it easy to understand. It is very satisfying when you see your students do well in their lives and the profession. The respect and recognition you get from them is unparalleled! This is our true contribution towards nation-building.    

Who have been your guiding North Stars and the biggest inspiration in this journey?

No one in my family is a lawyer, not even distant relatives. My parents were professors and have now retired. Dad used to teach Zoology and Mom used to teach Psychology. My love for animals, nature, environment etc. obviously comes from my Dad. I have seen my Dad as an extremely honest, soft-spoken but determined individual, quite brilliant and sincere towards his work. Mom was the more jovial, friendlier, extrovert types but again brutally honest and straightforward. As a kid, I have spent a lot of time with my parents. So, I think I have imbibed a healthy mix of their traits and I am so glad and fortunate that I have them. Some of my school teachers have had a strong influence on me. In the legal profession, Mr Shyam Divan, Senior Advocate has always been an inspiration ever since I first met him and interned with him while I was a student at NALSAR. He has been a mentor to me in many ways. I have worked with many organisations and bosses and there are many from whom I have learnt quite a few things – knowledge of law, court-craft, professional integrity and ethics, honesty, time-management etc. in all fairness, we are what we are because of a lot of people – some who have taught us what to be and some others who have taught us what not to be.

Would you please tell us more about the array of work you handle at your firm? 

After completing my LL.M. in Environment, Energy and Climate Change at Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, USA, I always wanted to be an environmental lawyer as I had seen many in the United States and realized that there were very few in India. Fortunately, I am one like them now. At our firm, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co I lead the Environmental Law practice where I advise clients on diverse environmental issues in transactions including compliances, liability issues, regulatory framework, ESG etc. besides representing them in environmental disputes before the National Green Tribunal and the Supreme Court of India.   

Would you please summarily tell us the current status of the sectors of the economy your work in, the roadblocks in our path and the way forward? 

I specialise in a practice area which cuts across various sectors and will soon be one of the most important practice areas in this country as it will determine the way we lead our lives, the manner in which industries operate and most importantly the future of not just this country but of the entire humanity. Cement, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automotive, construction, FMCG, mining, waste management, hospitality, please tell me one sector which is not facing environmental issues. I work with clients in all these sectors. Environment protection is a very serious challenge for this country.  

We need to address the challenges. NGT has to work to its full capacity, regulatory authorities have to implement the laws well and as citizens we all need to be mindful about our responsibilities towards protecting and conserving nature and our environment. That is the only way forward.  

Would you please share with our readers your expert views on ‘Role of lawyers in protecting India’s environment’.  

Lawyers have a great role to play in environment protection, not just in advising companies on doing the right thing but in also highlighting before the courts, tribunal and various authorities instances where any harm is being caused to the environment. Even law students can look for such instances in their cities and make sure that appropriate authorities are informed about it. As lawyers we are also officers of the court. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that we assist the Bench in the best possible manner and present the correct information so that only what is best for the environment is done while upholding the principle of sustainable development. Lawyers working in companies need to make sure that their organisations are compliant with all applicable environmental laws and to the extent possible they adopt the best sustainable practices. Lawyers played a great role in protecting the ethos of this country and getting us freedom from the Brits. Lawyers need to now play an equally important role in protecting India’s environment and it will happen for sure.  

What in your opinion has been the biggest change or challenge looming over the legal landscape of India amid COVID-19?  

The pandemic has served as a wake-up call on pretty much all counts. It is a much needed course correction. We will only emerge stronger from this. As they say, anything that doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Philosophical as it may sound, it is a reality. In so far as environment is concerned, the collective conscience and consciousness have improved and I think it will be a new beginning where we will all works towards a cleaner, greener and better India.   

In so far as the legal landscape is concerned, we have seen how helpful virtual hearings are and work from home has taught us new ways in which we can do our work without compromising on the quality or efficiency.   

What can law firms do today to ensure they survive in an era of disruption? How is your firm staying futuristic? 

Law firms need to be agile and at the same time resilient. They need to look around and adapt to the requirements and realities of the changed world. While technology will have a great role to play in the legal profession, it is not a threat to individuals and is not going to take away any jobs etc. It will just improve the quality of services and make everyone’s lives better. We at SAM & Co have a very responsive management which meets regularly to discuss issues which are of importance to everyone and in the last few months a lot of decisions have been taken which will change the way we work for the better. I see 2020 as the year of disruption for the legal profession.    

Other than work, what else keeps you busy? Would you please share your other interests and hobbies with our readers. 

If I am not working, I like staying at home and spending time with my family. Thanks to the lockdown, most of us have had the opportunity to spend quality time at home. The content on television has deteriorated drastically. So, listening to melodious songs is what I limit myself to. I love driving and also exploring new destinations with my family once in a while but that hasn’t been an option during the pandemic. Spending time with our daughter is what I have been enjoying the most these days and even earlier that is what I used to focus on when I wasn’t working.   

Many Congratulations on joining the BW Legal World Elite 40 Under 40 Club of Achievers 2020. What to your mind has helped you get to where you are and what advice would you have for others who want to set off in a similar direction? 

The formula is the same for everyone – have a clear goal and stick to it with all your sincerity and determination. Weird as it may sound, I have never been interested in doing what everyone else around me is doing. I chose law because everyone around me wanted to become an engineer, I chose to specialise in Environmental Law again because everyone else was focussing on the more established, conventional and lucrative practice areas. I always sum it up in the words of Robert Frost - “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference.”   

My advice for others is pretty simple – do whatever you want to do, just make sure that you are convinced as to why you are doing whatever you are doing and then stick to it. It may take a little longer but you will not just survive but thrive at it. It is just a matter of time. However, this will not happen without the 3Hs – honesty, humility and hard work.  

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our lawyers of the future, any golden piece of advice from the treasure trove of your experiences in the industry? 

Never believe the naysayers! You are the master of your destiny. The legal profession is a great profession with endless opportunities to do well and also do good to those in genuine need. Use this empowerment tool well. Work hard, stay honest and humble but don’t tolerate nonsense from anyone. Respect everyone who has taught you something and just be a good human being. Good things will happen to you for sure.   

As a final note, would you please recommend to our readers your favourite book or movie/series that left a lasting impression on you. 

Roberto Benigni’s movie, ‘Life is Beautiful’ had a lasting impression on me. There are a few other movies as well. ‘Rashmi Rathi’ by our national poet Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ is my all-time favourite book on poetry – highly recommended for anyone who is able to read and understand Hindi.  

*The interview was published in October 2020.

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