In Conversation with Mr Navodit Mehra, Senior Vice President (Legal) at Sterlite Power

Mr Mehra, would you please tell us where did this illustrious journey begin and what was your motivation behind choosing law as a career. Take us through your initial years in the profession. What struggles did you face and how did you overcome them?

My journey towards law stemmed from my interest in Political Science as a subject which I was first introduced to at the Scindia School and further pursued at Kirori Mal College Delhi University. Political Science teaches state craft wherein Law functions as the instrument to lay down the rules of governance as well as conduct of everyday life. As I matured to the realization that Law has a deep impact on our business and social life, I was motivated to adopt it as a career.

Initial years are tough especially for those like me who are first-generation lawyers. Hard work and perseverance are the only two ways that make your presence felt in the hitherto unknown world. 

During my time, I felt that there was a gap in the study and practice of law. On my very first day at the law firm that I had joined immediately after completing my degree, I was given the task of drafting a ‘Replication’. I had no idea what that meant – sounded like a monster! I read through the entire night, diving into piles of files but could not write even two pages. We faced these challenges because our education system did not keep pace with business requirements. Today some of the National Law Schools are successful in bridging the gap between legal education and the way it is practised.

Who have been the people that have inspired you in your journey and how?

I do not have big names to tell you as my inspiration, truly it was an inner sense of justice which was and remains a pull factor. Some of the Judgements by Justice V R Krishna Iyer and Justice P N Bhagwati still inspire me. At work I am in constant search for legal issues which can help the growth of business, for instance at Air Deccan we did many firsts in the aviation history by introducing e-tickets (which is the norm today), used the exterior of aircrafts as flying hoardings among several of such initiatives, positive legal interpretation of rules which commercially added to the bottom line and the benefits could ultimately be transferred to the consumers.

You have had a thriving career of over 2 decades in the legal industry and have worked across multiple industries with some of the biggest names. What does it take to be a legal professional of your stature? What has helped you sustain success over a long period of time?

I have always believed in legal department being a facilitator of business. Negotiating best of the terms in contracts, creating a compliant ecology, reducing risks and litigation have been my strengths.  An In-house Counsel should convert the legal department from a cost centre to a profit centre and I have a sense of pride in saying that I have reasonably achieved this in every-body-corporate where I have worked.

Please hold tight for BW Legal World's inaugural issue of the print magazine that will feature Navodit Mehra's full interview and much more from the world of law. Stay tuned!

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